Ep 215 - Teaching, Preaching, Reaching

Steve Fleisher joins Tim and Steve. When people ask exactly what it is he does, he tells them he does a little teaching, a little preaching, and a little reaching. Some of the topics include:

  • “Top of the Main Line to the bottom of the drain line”

  • If you can put a price tag on something, it's not that valuable

  • Who is rich? A rich person is one who is content with what they have

  • It’s the intangibles that have the greatest value: life, love, health, family, friendship, happiness, time, and reputation — these can’t be bought; therefore, they’re priceless

“It's not your aptitude, but your attitude that will determine your altitude.” — Zig Ziglar

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Ep 216 - Martial Arts Training is Unique and Not For Everyone


Ep 214 - There Are No Shortcuts for Hard Work