Ep 064 - Never Stop Expanding

Ep 064 - Never Stop Expanding, Steve Mittman, Tim Hoover

Previously we’ve talked about the connection between fear and courage along with the importance of getting comfortable in an uncomfortable situation. Today Tim and Steve talk about the recent competition Steve took part in — the results, thoughts on it, and what we all can take from it. Key takeaways from their discussion include:

  • You cannot expand unless you root

  • One also needs depth of root (depth of experience) in order to expand

  • Never stop expanding — experiences, friendships, knowledge, relationships, love, etc

  • When you have to engage and move forward you can't fall back — you must root first and then move forward

ep 064 - competition is good.jpg

Give us an example of a time when you relied on your experience and moved forward to tackle a situation. Tell us in the comments or reach out to us privately!

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Ep 065 - Live In The Moment


Ep 063 - Rituals and Traditions