Hoover Karate Academy

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Ep 040 - No Matter How Diverse, We All Breathe the Same Air

This episode is especially for anyone in a leadership position — teachers, coaches, managers, etc. It's a great reminder that by helping others — YOU will be more fulfilled. Conversely, by taking care of yourself — THOSE AROUND YOU will be more fulfilled. Again, the duality of yin and yang is present.

Raul and Julie, husband and wife, are two martial arts students from HKA. They join Sensei Hoover and Steve Mittman to talk about the opportunities teachers have to change lives. Julie has been a teacher for many years and has used her position to positively affect countless students — in numerous and various ways. She's able to do these things — major to minor — because she comes from a source of mental, physical, and spiritual strength. She has this strength because she does what it takes to nurture it. Because she is "in a good place," she has "it" to give to others. She takes her role as an educator very seriously, as all teachers should. Listen and you'll see for yourself. You'll also hear about:

  • How we breathe and bleed the same

  • Why we bow in class and to each other

  • How neither culture nor religion separate us

  • Why we wear the same uniform, and sometimes no belts

  • How our martial arts dojo is a microcosm of the larger world

  • Why Julie prefers the word “acceptance” over the word “tolerance”

  • The principle we all abide by is to work hard and strive to be the best we can be

  • Our own unique stories and backgrounds, yet how we are ultimately all the same

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Our most basic common link is that we all inhabit this planet. We all breathe the same air. We all cherish our children's future. And we are all mortal. — John F Kennedy

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