Ep 315 - Don't Let The Old Man In

Ep 315 - Don't Let The Old Man In

Lifestyle choices have a direct impact on the preservation and quality of our lives. Everything from our diet and sleep patterns to the company we keep shapes our existence. The concept of self-defense goes way beyond physical protection if we view it as a holistic approach to safeguarding our well-being against all potential harms.

Tim and Steve pay tribute to the late country music icon Toby Keith, reflecting on his song "Don't Let the Old Man In" — which poignantly reminds us to live life fully and resist the encroachment of time and negativity.

Tim likens the “old man” to a shadow of doubt and self-limitation that follows us throughout life. We must defeat this shadow and embrace a warrior philosophy that promotes growth, strength, and vitality. Life is about constant movement and progress, and it's up to us to keep the “old man” at bay.

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Steve Mittman

Podcast producer, podcast editor


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