Ep 203 - Mushin, No Thinking or Feeling, Just Being

Any boxer, martial artist, or any kind of athlete knows what it's like to be in the "zone" — where you're not thinking about the past, the future, or anything else — you're just in the moment. That's mushin. You might have experienced this while mowing the lawn, painting, or playing a musical instrument (like Eric Mintel talked about on last week's show).

Mushin in Japanese is a mental state. Zen and Daoist practitioners attempt to reach this mental state during everyday activities.

We all could use some time where our brains are not preoccupied with anything else other than just "being." That's easier said than done though, especially these days. Why do we need that? And how can we achieve it? That's what Tim and Steve talk about on this episode.

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Ep 204 - Build Your Inner Strength for 2022


Ep 202 - Band of Brothers