Ep 261 - Chicken or Egg: Accountability or Rituals?

When you think of rituals, you probably jump to religion; however, rituals don’t have to be religious. They're often part of religious communities — but that's not what makes them rituals. A ritual is simply a sequence of activities involving gestures, words, or actions performed according to a set sequence.

Just like anything, there can be good rituals and there can be bad ones. Additionally, too much of even a good ritual can become a bad thing. Meaningful rituals can enhance our lives and make us more accountable. The more accountable we are, the more we’ll continue performing them, further improving our lives. Rituals — similar to traditions, systems, and routines — help create stability in our lives. They provide confidence and frameworks.

What if you don’t have good rituals? And do you need them in order to be a responsible person? It's a chicken and egg question: Do rituals lead to accountability and responsibility? Or does accountability lead to life-improving rituals and traditions? What are your thoughts?

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