Ep 252 - You'll Regret Not Taking the Time to Listen

The MOST valuable thing anyone has, more than money, real estate, gold, stocks — more than ANYTHING — is time. Time is the most valuable commodity. That’s indisputable. And we all have the SAME amount of it! Let that sink in. We all have 24 hours in a day. No one has more, no one has less. On a daily basis, we all have the same amount of time to spend.

Choose to spend it wisely so that you:

  • Don’t have regrets at the end of your tape measure (you’ll understand after listening)

  • Do good things with your time — both for yourself and others (living a purposeful life)

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Ep 253 - Realize This Journey is Yours Alone


Ep 251 - Imagine Appreciating Every Day Like a Holiday