Ep 138 - Be Held Accountable

Ep 138 - Be Held Accountable

We frequently talk about the importance of good choices and quality rituals. If you’re like most people, you're finding that being consistent with these practices is taking more effort these days during the pandemic.

With martial arts, you'll often hear Tim speak about the benefits of training in a dojo or gym — as opposed to on your own. The energy is contagious, motivating, and reciprocal. Also, the people you train with become your accountability partners. Having an accountability partner (or partners) might be the boost you need to achieve consistency with important things.

Accountability partners:

  • Help each other achieve goals, identify weaknesses, and capitalize on strengths

  • Develop discipline and improve self-awareness

Find accountability partners in all areas of your life. As they say: There’s strength in numbers.

“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” — Helen Keller

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Ep 139 - Mr Miyagi or Bruce Lee


Ep 137 - Compassion and Grace