Ep 246 - How to Become Laser-Focused

For the first decade of her life, Jodi Jill basically just survived one day to the next in a storage unit — with one meal a day, not going to school, and always wondering about the outside world. She didn’t even learn to read until later on in life.

Despite all of that, she always maintained hope and faith. These days, Jodi lives by the simple premise: Make someone smile every day. She has learned to develop a laser-like focus — working to stop thinking about where she came from, and instead thinking about where she wants to go and what she wants to do next.

Jodi says, “If you can see it, you can do it.” As she also says on this episode, “There will be trials and tribulations. You will be kicked around unmercifully and you will have tears. But if you pick yourself up you have not failed — if you lay down and cry you have.”

“See it, Believe it, Live it!” — David Hasselhoff

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Ep 247 - Why You Must Choose Your Words Wisely


Ep 245 - How to Navigate the Journey of Life