Hoover Karate Academy

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Ep 132 - Getting Kids Mentally Healthy and Strong During the Pandemic

Now, more than ever, during the pandemic, it’s important to be healthy and strong — mentally, physically, and spiritually. There’s plenty of information and inspiration to be found, including on our podcast, on how and why to do that. Much focus is given to adults, but we must not neglect the health of our kids. What they hear and see greatly affects them, too.

As we discussed last week, you cannot rely on others for answers. You must take control of your own health by making wise decisions. With the way schooling and education looks like it’s going, much will be different with kids. Keeping them mentally and physically active is crucial. Sensei Darla is very talented at that; and the way she communicates with children when it comes to mature, sensitive subjects is amazing. Many parents appreciate how she handles topics which often can be difficult to discuss. Rather than scaring and worrying kids, she empowers them — all while being honest and respecting their emotional maturity and the laws of reality in the world. Hear how she goes about doing that. You’ll also get a handful of ideas you can do right now to empower your children even if they don’t take karate.

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